

Initially, fear seems like a huge burden, however, if you look closely, and dive into it, it is controllable. Since my childhood, I'm a witness of terrible, horrific, and manipulative dreams, that immediately wake me up. Eventually, my entire body sweated and sometimes shivered due to the unpleasant incidents in the dreams. Truly, it was terrific! I try to comfort myself by getting out of the room, wash away the warm water droplets from my face, and shove back the eyeballs, in order to relieve myself.

Dreams are not always pleasant, failure, pain of loss, anxiety, sometimes be successful to control your thoughts, therefore, whether someone appreciates it or not, they will be the unwanted guests. Most of the time, my painful dreams trigger my soul while unconsciously, for some reason, some part of my brain waits for it regularly. I find myself lost, isolated and stuck at the corner of my room, meanwhile, a gigantic blurry spot appears at the opposite corner, by the time I fall off the bed. my soul returns to the world, but the body remains cold and unconscious. 

Would you ever think to fight with your fear? Before I was much skeptical, until now, I decided to confront it, in order to let my body in peace and harmony. My sleepless nights resulted in non-productive and passive days, finally, the time has come to fix the problem. To acknowledge my blunders, failures, and pain, to revive my heart, and rectify my attitude because my brain is no longer be available to be the host and feed the unwanted guest!  

By SA, June 2020

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Karina Thorne