Wendy's Warbles

Stories to be told

Stories of the unheard

Stories of my heart

I wish I could hear the stories of the past

We need to listen, not only with our ears

But listen with our hearts, our eyes, our thoughts

Using all of our senses

Next time you see a homeless man

Ask him his story,

What about the child crying in the playground,

What is her story?

Everyone has a story,

Everything has a story –



Woman sitting on a bench with her back to us head down and reading; village view in the background

My City


My city has a lot of faces

All created equal

Different hands stretched out.


My City has a lot of faces –

 Faces of a village,

Faces of a town,

Faces of a city.



A village where variety is the spice of life,

Everyone gives something of their self to

Help each other.


A town where we are all created equal,

Able to do what each other does.


A city that surpasses all the borders,

Where people travel from their cattle posts

To see the bright lights.

Ballon which spells out love held by a hand


Love – a mother’s touch,

The look from your husband or partner,

The feel of skin against skin.

Your mirror image (self love)

The first morning light

Images from Pexels

Stories Matter - pexels-suzy-hazelwood-1995842

Village view from bench - pexels-omar-ramadan-12266533

Love balloon - pexels-cottonbro-4065880

Karina Thorne