Join a VIP program that will advance your English skills.
Indulge in an experience that will boost your confidence.
Towards Creative Fluency
About the VIP program:
Intensive 10-week small group program to advance critical reading and creative writing skills in English.
4-6 language professionals participate in a mix of synchronous and asynchronous activities. Diverse and inclusive materials are used as a springboard for deeper conversation. These models serve as inspiration to write and share stories, leading you towards Creative Fluency.
About the Program Leader:
Karina is an Online English Tutor, Language Learner & Creative Writing Enthusiast who wants to break down the barriers to creative writing for English Language Teachers so they can share their stories with confidence. (Read why here!)
Join us if you…
want to advance your English language skills
are excited to be part of a creative community
have a desire to write but don’t know where to start
want to experiment with writing creatively in a safe space
are searching for more colourful and diverse content to teach or learn from
fear not being able to teach creative writing well
want to be a good writer model for your learners
would like to see yourself represented in your own materials
can dedicate 2-4 hours a week to the Club
Maybe skip this if you…
are not interested in being creative
are afraid to take risks in order to acquire new skills
are happy with your current proficiency in English
are happy teaching or learning from the materials you currently use
have commitment issues ;)
Critical reading of literature + Creative writing of your own original work = Advanced Creative Fluency in English.
Critical Reading
Weeks 1-3. Deep reading of a short story focusing on text analysis, including vocabulary, sentence structure, style and meaning.
Become a critical reader.
Critical Writing
Weeks 4-6. Persona, critical and reflecting writing based on the creative text.
Become a critical writer.
Write Your Story
Week 7. Support to write a Short Story - brainstorming and planning
Week 8. Support to write a Short Story - drafting and editing
Week 9. Self-Assessment with rubrics
Week 10. Final Reflections
Text One
1. Reading and note-taking
2. Reading and vocabulary/sentence analysis
3. Reading and understanding style, implicit and explicit meaning
4. Writing - Engagement and Interpretation - describe your personal reaction and interpretation of a creative text
Text Two
1. Reading and note-taking
2. Reading and vocabulary/sentence analysis
3. Reading and understanding style, implicit and explicit meaning
4. Writing - Engagement and Interpretation - describe your personal reaction and interpretation of a creative text
Writing - Analysis and Evaluation
1. Give an intellectual analysis and/or evaluation of a creative text/s
2. Self-Reflection
Overcome your fear of reading challenging texts in English
Speed up your reading and improve memory retention
Get familiar with the key elements of storytelling
Write an original creative piece
Learn through diverse content
Develop a creative writing habit
Expand your English language skills
Gain ideas for your classroom
Make international connections
Share your stories with peers
or email for alternatives:
Explore everything and take what you need
"I love the way you write and hope to get some inspiration from you besides the techniques you will teach."