Fairy Tales with a Modern Twist
Week 1 - Reading
Take up to an hour (or more!) to explore Grimm’s Fairy Tales written by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm. Some you may be familiar with already. Others will be quite new to you. Explore the new ones, read and take notes. Choose one of the stories - what did you like about it? Didn’t like? How does it compare with modern sensibilities? What can you find out about the writers? Prepare to summarise one of the tales - and discuss these questions - with a small group.
Week 2 - Discussion on Zoom
The live session will take place on
Thursday 12th May 2022 at 7.30pm UK time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 8742 8763
Passcode: 385744
Prepare a summary of at least one fairy tale to share AND prepare to make some comments about the setting, characters, dialogue and plot.
Week 3 - Creative Writing Prompts
Last week we discussed some of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and thought about how they could be modernised.
Here are my notes:
Then vs. Now
Children were stolen or victims; they could be the protagonists now. Women were helpless or awaiting rescue; they could be the ones rescuing others. Hair was a source of weakness; hair could be a source of strength. Marriage seems to be central; other relationship types could be centred. The story often ends happily ever after; it could end in a more mysterious manner.
Here are Johann’s notes:
Idea for an modern fairy tale
Social Media platform, followers, getting noticed by an important influencer or celebrity, recieving some online bullying from haters, involved in a scandal, deleting the account, getting depressed, take drugs, being contacted/saved by another influencer or celebrity that actually manifested true honesty.
Watch the recording, review your own notes and re-write one of the Grimm Brother’s Fairy Tales. Bring your draft to share with the group next week!
Week 4 - Sharing on Zoom
Second live session where we listened to one classic Grimm’s Brothers tale plus original story readings from two of the Club members.