"Structured" Creative Writing Workshop February 2021
Simple Story Prompts
Structure vs. Creativity
Is there structure and form within creativity? Or is being creative all about natural talent, freedom and not following the rules?
Well, it is true that certain people seem to have natural artistic ability. But it is likely that their curiosity was nurtured and carefully directed from an early age. That is not to say that adults cannot partake in creative acts. Indeed, creativity is a skill that can be acquired and improved upon at any age. In fact, when applied to creative writing, “structured” simply means learning about certain story elements which can help clarify what a story is, and, in turn, facilitate the shaping of your own story.
Your Story
Storytelling is a great way to celebrate cultural diversity. But how diverse are the stories we tell in the ELT field? And what can be done to improve the situation? Well, that lack of diversity means that your experiences and perspectives, in particular, are waiting to be heard - and read.
Get started by applying the “structure strips” method to a traditional folk tale you know, a conversation you recently heard or your own life experiences. In this way, you will be taking your first steps towards writing your own original, short fiction. Hooray!
The Workshop
This month's free interactive workshop is going to use sentence prompts to help you write the first draft(s) of your story. Writing on your own and/or in small groups, you will:
learn about “structure strips” for creative writing
listen to story ideas and share your own story drafts
take away a concept to apply in your personal or professional context
SYSWC Structured Creative Writing Workshop
Workshop Presenter
My name is Karina Pearl Thorne, London-born English Language Teacher, Online Course Designer and Creative Writing Enthusiast! I’ve lived in England, Trinidad, France & China over the years, and have picked up a few languages along the way.
Not seeing people like me reflected in the teaching materials I used at home and abroad, woke me up to the fact that ELT books, conferences etc., often under-represented different social groups, inspiring me to set up the Share Your Story project. The idea is to provide tools and support to language teachers wanting to build up their creative skills, so that that they (YOU!) can share their (YOUR!) stories with more confidence.
Workshop Day/Time
You are cordially invited to join us on:
Wednesday 24th February 2021 from 7.30pm UK/2.30pm NYC time.
Register and get the Zoom link here.
Looking forward to seeing you online!
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay