Journaling Workshop March 2021
Talita Journaling
The act of journaling - a way to tell your own story and reflect on that story - is quite radical. It’s radical because in this day and age, where everything we do is about speed and efficiency, and must absolutely be short/brief/compact, who has the luxury of time to journal? Indeed, time has really become a commodity, and coupled with rise of new forms of online communication, like audio and video, the skill of writing is slowly diminishing among us. That probably explains why writing is known as the ‘lesser’ communication skill. Indeed, the one that is least used in general in our daily lives seems to be mirrored in the language learning world, too.
But you know what? I reckon if we can better understand the value of writing, and the many ways we could re-introduce it into our lives, then we would have a real chance of bringing back that slow, cognitive, enjoyable pursuit that is writing.
Well, I’m going to try - at least!
The Workshop
Hence, this month's free interactive workshop invites you to reflect through journaling. Please bring along your real diary/journal or a notebook and pen. We are going old school and will be requiring you to write by hand! I know! The plan is, during the workshop, you will:
learn about the benefits of journaling
brainstorm ideas for your first journal entry
take away a concept to apply in your personal or professional context
SYSWC Journaling Workshop
The Co-host
Born and raised in Brazil, Talita is a passionate educator who has been teaching languages for 12 years and constantly looks for best practices that promote a positive learning experience.
She has mostly worked online with learners and teachers in Canada, USA, Europe and Brazil. With that experience, she noticed that the practice of mindfulness for learning and teaching is paramount so that both learners and teachers can come up against long-term online learning challenges in an enjoyable way.
Journaling is a powerful tool that sparks mindfulness and encourages us to share our stories with more kindness and confidence. So get ready to participate in some cool activities that she will run alongside Karina!
Sign up here:
You are cordially invited to join us on:
Wednesday 31st March 2021 from 7.30pm UK/3.30pm BRA/2.30pm NYC time.
Here’s the video:
Image by Talita