Grow Your Stories From Seeds Workshop May 2021
Soil, seeds, water, sunshine and love
Growing Stories
In order to grow stories we need seeds of inspiration and a practice that allows us to capture that inspiration.
If we dig deep into the heart of our favourite stories we find that certain elements resonate with us. You know the situations and phrases I mean - the ones that lead us to nod our heads and smirk in agreement with what we have read? What makes those elements so satisfying and special? Well, they contain specific details that reflect certain aspects of our own lives, helping us make real-life connections with the text, which in turn allows us to enjoy the story. Those small, quirky details link the story world with our real world creating a wonderful, immersive experience. In this way, seeds of inspiration, and the key to successful stories, are rooted in our every day interactions.
Once we have generated our idea seeds, we need a place to sow and nurture them. This actually sounds much easier than it is. You see, it’s very easy to have an idea - even many. However, it is much, much harder to keep hold of them! Ah! How many times have you ‘thought’ about a great story or poem only for it to - poof! - disappear moments later? I see you! But, seriously, where is the most fertile land to grow tall tales?
They can be scattered in journals/diaries, notebooks, or recorded in note or voice recording apps. Completing templates and outlines is another way to keep hold of and organise your ideas. Indeed, there are a myriad of choices, but, it is more a matter of discipline that will help you develop them into something truly important and memorable. And it is this discipline and consistency we will begin to instil in you when we meet online!
The Workshop
Hence, this month's free interactive workshop invites you to plant some story seeds.
During the workshop, you will:
discover and explore ideas (and structures) for growing stories
create a seed bank for your own stories
take away a concept to apply in your personal or professional context
SYSWC Grow Your Stories From Seeds Workshop
The Co-Host
Kate is a teacher of English as a Foreign Language and a certified Neurolanguage Coach®. She specializes in helping professionals communicate in international conversations over the phone, in a video conference, or in face-to-face meetings.
Her work is customized to the needs and interests of each client. One asked her to tell personal stories thus launching her into a new role of storyteller and writer for English Language Learners. An avid gardener, she enjoys collecting seeds of all kinds.
Zoom Deets:
SYSWC Free Online Workshop: Grow Your Stories
Day/Time: Wednesday 26th May 2021 from 7.30pm London/3.30pm Brasilia/2.30pm New York.
Registration link:
All welcome! Email me: