The Virus


At the beginning of 2020, the world had been hit by the Corona virus and about a month later, it was recognized as a pandemic. Moreover, what followed affected nearly every person on earth, but was it a blessing in disguise?

Many countries were paralyzed by lockdowns, curfews, which had its negative impact on small and big businesses, causing a lot to face job losses and salary cuts. On the other hand, millions of people were forced to change the way they used to work and shift to use online platforms. Nearly all the governments faced economic difficulties offering medical care for the infected masses. Corona terrified the whole planet and led to a huge count of life losses plus creating an atmosphere of panic, sadness and despair.

Nevertheless, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Many climate-friendly trends which have been accelerated! The unprecedented ozone depletion in the northern hemisphere has healed, Scientists said coronavirus lockdowns and reduced air pollution from factories emissions because of the reduced work hours. The lack of human activity plus the travel restrictions had reversed the course of nature and given animals a break from our disruptive ways.

Although some people suffered from separation and loneliness, other families reunited in their houses and found a rare chance to stay together and become closer. On the financial side, new jobs emerged and online sales increased, however, many people started to assess their spending over needless stuff and think wisely of what they really need before buying.

To sum up it is a virus the made us realize we are vulnerable and weak but it helped us and our planet in its special way.    

By BA, June 2020

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

Karina Thorne