Night Fragments

Night Fragments Window.png

I am in a deep sleep like I always used to be, all of a sudden I hear three very loud knockings on my window. Three clear and sound knockings, followed by slight glass vibration. I wake up straight away, eyes widely opened and clear minded. Weird, I think, I sleep on the first floor, no one could actually reach my window. I was definitely just having a dream, but this mystic and frightening dream felt so real. Now I am sure this dream definitely wants to show me something and I do not understand what, I need a dream explanator. I cannot read the dreams myself, but I believe in signs. What can I do now, no fortune teller’s phone number in my phonebook? So I google. And Google knows it - my dream means that I will have big changes ahead. Alright, big changes are always welcome, as long as their are good ones. And they are good ones. One day, shortly after my dream I get a mail with my dream job offer, I read it and cannot believe my eyes. Where it comes from, how they knew to send it to me? The detailed description of a job I have been dreaming of but have never told even to my closest friends. Somebody has written my dream down and sent back to me. And the following is already another story.


Night Fragments Eyes.png

I am in a bus, bus is almost empty and is standing in main station. I enjoy myself and look out of the window. All of a sudden I notice a main and do recognize him - he is one of my deceased relatives. I am frightened - “please do not look at me, I do not want you to see me, I know you are dead.” I try to hide myself in panic. But no, he still notices me and starts to come towards my bus, slowly. I have nowhere to escape and just hoping that he will not see me. But no, there he is already at my bus window and looks inside the bus in peek-a-boo style, eyes searching for me. And then I notice big relief on his face - “aah! I know you, your are XXX (my name)”. Now he heads directly to another bus, sits therein next to his wife. who is not dead in real life and the bus drives away. Bother are looking intensely at me as long as I can see them. I ask Google again - what does that mean when you meet your dead relative in your dream? Nothing personal, says Google, weather will change. I am relieved.

By MS, June 2020

Original artwork by MS
